The GALILEO Test Range (GTR): status and evolution perspectives for next development phase

By | 2017-08-13

Pierluigi De Simone, Riccardo Nicolè, Gian Paolo Plaia, Lucia Ciccotti, Stefano Lagrasta
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Technology has used us to sudden accelerations; devices used only in very specific dedicated applications may spread to everyday use quickly. This is certainly the case for navigation equipments. Once used only by specialized personnel for specific activities, now they populate every car, mobile phone or jogger bag. Navigation has become the focal point of space plans of many important nations. USA are continuously updating the GPS constellation, Russia is revamping the GLONASS system after years of abandon, China is entering the game with Compass and Europe is claiming the technological leadership with GALILEO. Within this latter programme a number of initiative have been created to support the realization of the system and its related applications. Italy has started a large test bed aiming at emulation of satellite navigation constellations, the GALILEO Test Range (GTR). GTR ended its first deployment “phase A” in 2008 and has been jointly developed and operated by Telespazio and Thales Alenia Space Italia. The GALILEO Test Range (GTR) project started as an initiative of Regione Lazio, in the frame of its commitment to support the growth of industrial knowledge and University research on satellite navigation for companies and academies mainly located in the geographic area of the region. Because of this the GTR is located few kilometres east of Rome close to the small town of Guidonia. At present, especially considering the national strategies, the Italian Space Agency (ASI) has endorsed what realized up to now and is giving a strong push for the realization of the development phase in order to achieve and enter into the utilization phase.

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