Drones and Aerial Observation

投稿者: | 2015-07-31

Konstantin KakaesFaine GreenwoodMathew LippincottShannon DosemagenPatrick MeierSerge Wich
[ Link to New America ]

Overview – The recent rapid rise of Unmanned Aerial vehicles (UAVs)—or drones—has generated equal parts excitement, fascination and consternation from all sectors on all sides. Previously the sole domain of the military and a very few committed hobbyists, drones have exploded onto the public consciousness with images of breathtaking mountain summits, daring search-and-rescues, spectacular crashes, and acrobatic pizza deliveries. By 2024, the industry is projected to reach about $11.5 billion annually. All but unheard of just four years ago, drones are now here to stay.

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