Recent activity of international standardization for high accuracy GNSS correction service

投稿者: | 2020-04-13

Rui Hirokawa (Mitsubishi Electric)
[ リンク ]

Abstract – On emerging wide-area high-accuracy open PPP/PPP-RTK correction service and low-cost multi-frequency GNSS receivers, the centimeter-level high-accuracy positioning will be widely used in the field of agriculture, construction, drone, and automobile. For such applications, the interoperability between different correction services and receivers should be maintained to minimize the production and operational cost.
  In this article, the recent activities for international standardization of PPP/ PPP-RTK will be introduced. The international standardization of format has been conducted in RTCM SC-104, published as RTCM SSR. However, it doesn’t support PPP-AR/PPP-RTK yet, and it is not sufficiently effective for satellite-based narrow band correction service. Recently, Compact SSR, which is a highly efficient open format for PPP/ PPP-RTK was proposed and applied for QZSS CLAS. It is also planned to be applied as the baseline of Galileo HAS. The high-accuracy GNSS positioning is also demanded in mobile communication for LTE/5G, 3GPP is also working to define the PPP-RTK standard based on Compact SSR. The other useful information such as integrity, the authentication of correction data, the grid definition, the precise coordinate transformation, and the service maintenance could also be standardized.

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